KMI Experiment Seminar
The theme of Experimental Seminar is usually related with experiment and the theme of Theory is with theory but anyone who is interested in the theme can join, theorist can join to Experimental seminar and vice versa. Speakers can be internal or invited, mainly invited or sometimes KMI visitor although there is no restriction.
The audience is usually not specified. Any KMI member and related researchers, including KMI visitors and students, and any researcher who is interested in the theme can join.
2024 OCT
16:00 - 17:00
Searching for new-physics via long-lived particles at Belle II
Prof. Abner Soffer (Tel Aviv University)
KMI Experiment Seminar
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 FEB
16:00 - 17:30
Performance of novel Silicon Photo-Multipliers for the nEXO and DarkSide-20k experiments
Dr. Giacomo Gallina (Princeton)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2023 AUG
Friday, August 4th, 2023
Hunting the WIMP: The path towards the ultimate direct detection experiment
Dr. Adam Brown, University of Freiburg
KMI Experiment Seminar
2023 JUL
Dark Matter Candidate within the Standard Model
Glennys Farrar (New York University)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2020 JAN
B0 → K* μμ at CMS: status and perspective
Stefano Lacaprara (INFN Padova)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2019 OCT
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019
Searches for long-lived heavy neutrinos at colliders
Abner Soffer (Tel Aviv University)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2019 OCT
Thursday, Oct 10, 2019
The FASER experiment at LHC
Hidetoshi Otono (Kyushu Univ.)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2019 OCT
Tuesday, Oct 1st, 2019
Project of the Charm-Tau factory in Novosibirsk
B.Shwartz, (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2018 DEC
2018-12-11 3PM
KMI Experimental & Tau-lepton Center Joint Seminar
Reisaburo Tanaka (Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire, Univ. Paris-Sud)
KMI Experiment Seminar
2018 NOV
Bottomonia: exploring low energy QCD with heavy quarks
Umberto Tamponi
KMI Experiment Seminar