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Dark Matter Candidate within the Standard Model

KMI Experiment Seminar
2023-07-25 11:00
Glennys Farrar (New York University)
ES635 KMI Science Symposia
KMI seminar (exp-theory joint) 
July 25 11:00 - (ES635)
Glennys Farrar (New York University)

Dark Matter Candidate within the Standard Model

It is possible that there is a so-far-undiscovered deeply-bound state of 6 quarks (uuddss) denoted S for Sexaquark. If it exists, the S can naturally be stable enough and have the correct abundance to be the Dark Matter. I will discuss the key aspects of particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics underlying this claim. In particular 1) Why an S would not yet have been discovered by lattice QCD in the HALQCD searches applicable for a loosely-bound state, and why the Luscher-method searches with > 400 MeV pion masses are not sufficient; 2) Probes of and constraints on S Dark Matter; and 3) How the S could be found by Belle-II.

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