KMI Theory Seminar
The theme of Theory is usually related with theory and the theme of Experimental Seminar is with experiment but anyone who is interested in the theme can join, theorist can join to Experimental seminar and vice versa.
Speakers can be internal or invited, mainly invited or sometimes KMI visitor although there is no restriction.
The audience is usually not specified. Any KMI member and related researchers, including KMI visitors and students, and any researcher who is interested in the theme can join.
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2024 OCT
16:00 - 17:00
Searching for new-physics via long-lived particles at Belle II
Prof. Abner Soffer (Tel Aviv University)
KMI Experiment Seminar
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 AUG
Differentiable and symbolic modeling of the Universe in the age of machine learning
Yin Li (Peng Cheng Laboratory)
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 JUL
15:00 - 16:00
Order of the chiral phase transition for N_f flavors in the chiral limit
Gergely Fejos (Eotvos Lorand University)
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 JUL
16:00 - 17:00
Practical Dirac-Majorana Confusion Theorem: Issues and Applicability
C.S. Kim (Department of Physics, Yonsei University, Korea)
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 JUL
1030 - 12:00
Gravothermalizing into primordial black holes, cannibal stars, etc.
Takeshi Kobayashi (KMI Visiting Researcher / SISSA)
KMI Theory Seminar
2024 JAN
14:00 - 15:00
Going beyond the standard LCDM model by Cosmography
Salvatore Capozziello (Universita' di Napoli "Fedrico II" & Scuola Superiore Meridionale)
KMI Theory Seminar
2023 DEC
Black hole solutions in GR and f(R) gravitational theories
Prof. Gamal G. L. Nashed, (The British University in Egypt)
KMI Theory Seminar
2023 DEC
15:30 - 16:30
Probing strong gravity when gravity waves
Prof. Nicolas Yunes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
KMI Theory Seminar
2023 SEP
Monday, Sep. 25th, 2023
Primordial magnetogenesis in multicomponent dark matter
Dr. Filippo Anzuini (University of Melbourne)
KMI Theory Seminar
2022 JUL
A fierce new challenge: unveil the connection between the first galaxies and reionization
Enrico Garaldi (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik)
KMI Theory Seminar