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KMI welcomed Dr. Nodoka Yamanaka, as a new KMI’s assistant professor. Dr. Yamanaka joined the Division of Theoretical Studies at KMI on September 1st, 2021. Welcome, Yamanaka-san!  Visit his member page for his profile. 


It is with great sadness that KMI shares the news of the passing of Toshihide Maskawa, Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University, on July 23, 2021. Maskawa was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008, then he became the first Director of the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI) from 2010 to 2018. Afterwards, Maskawa continued to mentor KMI from a broad perspective, as Director Emeritus. Remembering his inspiring words, we continue to explore basic …


KMI welcomed Dr. Kazuhito Suzuki, as a new KMI’s Lecturer. Dr. Suzuki joined the Flavor Physics Group of the Division of Experimental Studies at KMI. Welcome, Suzuki-san!  Visit his member page for his profile. 


A new associate professor, Keisuke Yoshihara, has joined the Flavor Physics Group of the Division of Experimental Studies at KMI. Welcome, Yoshihara-san!  Visit his member page for his profile.  On Friday, April 9, Dr. Junji Kuno, Director of KMI, handed over the letter of appointment to Dr. Yoshihara.


Dr. Hironao Miyatake is newly assigned to KMI as an associate professor. Welcome!  Visit his member page for his profile. 


KMI Associate Professor Kiyotomo Ichiki was selected for the Fusion Oriented REsearch for disruptive Science and Technology (FOREST) program by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). FOREST aims to create seeds that lead to innovation through diversity and interdisciplinary research without setting specific projects or short-term goals, this program provides long-term support for unrestricted, challenging, interdisciplinary, and diverse research not bound by the existing frameworks, for the period of seven years in principle (up to 10 years with an interim …


Prof. Nakahama received the Silver Award of Toshiko Yuasa Prize in recognition of contribution to study of new physics using particle accelerators. The award ceremony was held online by Ochanomizu University on Monday, February 15, 2021.  I am very honoured to receive the Toshiko Yuasa award for international female researchers in physics. I greatly appreciate the continuous support of my colleagues in KMI, N-lab, the LHC-ATLAS experiment and my family. In the interdisciplinary & international research environments at KMI, I could …


The website of DMNet is launched at     The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) selected KMI’s proposal “International research network to reveal dark matter in the universe by multidisciplinary approach in particle and astrophysics” as one of the Core-to-Core programs.  The Core-to-Core program is designed to create top world-class research centers that partner over the long term with other core research institutions around the world in advancing research in leading-edge fields on issues of high international …


KMI had the International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting online on Monday, December 14th, 2020.KMI has the IAB meeting every two years to report KMI’s activities and discuss our next step for the future of KMI.  This year, KMI welcomed two outstanding scientists as new members of the International Advisory Board: Prof. Hitoshi Murayama from University of California, Berkeley and Prof. Misao Sasaki from Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo. We were able …


Dr. Tomohiro Abe from the Division of Theoretical Studies won the 15th Seitaro Nakamura Award of the year from the Particle Research Scholarship Foundation. The award named after Dr. Seitaro Nakamura (1913-2007), who had produced substantial researches on theoretical particle physics particularly on two-meson and beta decay, was established in 2006 in order to encourage young researchers for their future endeavors in particle physics and the related field. Awarded Paper: “The effect of the early kinetic decoupling in a fermionic …