KMI Colloquium
“KMI Colloquium” is usually held once in a month, speakers can be mainly invited from other institutions.
The audience is usually not specified. Any KMI member and related researchers, including KMI visitors and students, and any researcher who is interested in the theme can join.
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2012 SEP
Neutrino Physics with KamLAND and KamLAND-Zen
Hiroko Watanabe
KMI Colloquium
2012 JUL
Quantum Mechanics, Gravity, and the Multiverse
Yasunori Nomura
KMI Colloquium
2012 JUN
The Next X-ray Mission, ASTRO-H, to Explore the High Energy Universe
Tadayuki Takahashi
KMI Colloquium
2012 MAY
Cosmological tests of gravity
Kazuya Koyama
KMI Colloquium
2012 APR
Hadronic Interactions and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
Tanguy Pierog
KMI Colloquium
2012 MAR
CP violation and lattice matrix elements: a thirty year saga
Amarjit Soni
KMI Colloquium
2011 SEP
ガンマ線バースト – 宇宙最大の爆発現象
Prof.Nobuyuki Kawai
KMI Colloquium