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Supercomputer Simulations of Dark Matter Structure Formation in the Universe

KMI Colloquium
2024-07-10 17:00
Tomoaki ISHIYAMA (Chiba Univ.)
ES635& ZOOM 

KMI colloquium” 10th July (Wed)  17:00 – 
Speaker : Tomoaki ISHIYAMA (Chiba Univ.)
Title : Supercomputer Simulations of Dark Matter Structure Formation in the Universe
Place : ES635& ZOOM

Abstract : I report the results of large cosmological N-body simulations of small and large scale structure formation in the Universe. In the first topic, I focus on the density structures of dark matter halos and subhalos in the Milky Way. I also discuss the impact of them on dark matter detection experiments. In the second topic, I introduce the Uchuu suite of large high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations, mock galaxy/AGN catalogs constructed on them using various models, and new massive simulations conducted on the supercomputer Fugaku.

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