Home » Seminars » Investigating ultra-high-density equations of state through gravitational waves from binary neutron stars mergers

Investigating ultra-high-density equations of state through gravitational waves from binary neutron stars mergers

KMI Colloquium
2024-05-08 17:00
Luca Baiotti(Osaka Univ.)

KMI colloquium” 8th May (Wed)  17:00 – 
Speaker : Luca Baiotti(Osaka Univ.)
Title : Investigating ultra-high-density equations of state through gravitational waves from binary neutron stars mergers
Place: ES635& ZOOM

Abstract: After an introduction on some techniques used in numerical relativity and in the extraction of information from gravitational-wave observations, I present our results on how to possibly discriminate equations of state (EOSs) with a quark-hadron crossover (QHC) with respect to EOSs with purely hadronic matter or with a first-order quark-hadron transition through gravitational waves emitted in binary neutron star mergers.

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