Dark Energy Results from DESI and Future Spectroscopic Surveys
“KMI colloquium” 23th April (Tue) 10:30 –
Speaker: David Schlegel
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)
Title: Dark Energy Results from DESI and Future Spectroscopic Surveys
Place: ES635& ZOOM
I will present first measurements of cosmic expansion and dark energy from the first year of the Dark
Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). DESI is mapping the sky with a 5000-fiber robotic focal
plane and 10 optical spectrographs. I will describe the design of the instrument, the survey, and the
analysis of the first 5 million galaxies and quasars.
I will briefly describe the goals for the second-generation survey of DESI, and the successor
instrument Spec-S5. These surveys are designed to improve constraints on dark energy and to probe
the inflationary epoch. Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute
for the Origin of Particles and the Universe