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Holographic Universe from Quantum Information

KMI Colloquium
2023-07-13 17:00
Tadashi Takayanagi (YITP Kyoto University, Inamori Research Institute for Science, Kavli IPMU University of Tokyo)

KMI colloquium” 13th July (THU)  17:00 – 
Speaker: Tadashi Takayanagi (YITP Kyoto University, Inamori Research Institute for Science,
Kavli IPMU University of Tokyo)

Title: Holographic Universe from Quantum Information
Place: ES635& ZOOM

Recently, a new interpretation of gravitational spacetime in terms of quantum entanglement has been developed. The idea of holography in string theory provides a simple geometric computation of entanglement entropy. This generalizes the well-known Bekenstein-Hawking formula of black hole entropy and strongly suggests that a gravitational spacetime consists of many qubits with quantum entanglement. Also a new progress on black hole information problem has been made recently by applying this idea. Progresses on holography for de Sitter spaces have also started to be obtained from quantum information viewpoints. I will explain these developments in this colloquium.


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