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Workshop “Introduction to Science Communication”

Dec. 8 & 15 , 2023
Introduction to Science Communication

On December 1st and 8th, the Graduate School of Science in collaboration with KMI, the International Communications Office and the Public Relations Department, will organize the first “Introduction to Science Communication” workshop.

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of science communication from our University’s professionals, using interactive lectures, relevant exercises, and an assignment featuring your own research. Our professionals will guide you in transforming your research into a piece of science communication content that can help you explain your bachelor, master, or PhD project to your friends, family, and the general public.

The best assignments may even be featured on Nagoya University’s social media channels!
Interested? Please sign up now!
Looking forward to seeing you there,


Bachelor, Master, and PhD students. PD and faculty are also welcome
(although students have priority)


  • Session 1: December 1st 8th (Friday) 15:00 – 16:30
  • Session 2: December 8th 15th (Friday) 15:00 – 16:30

!!! NOTE: English class schedule postponed !!!

(We sent an notification to participants on Nov. 30 at around 11:30)


ES034 (ES building 3F)


30 people


Registration Form

Deadline for registration

November 27th (Monday)


Session 1

  • The spoken and written word, with a focus on social media (short texts and videos)
  • Relevant exercises in small groups; getting started on your assignment

Session 2

  • Introduction to graphical design for science communication
  • Presentation of your assignment in small groups


  • Assignments will only be posted on social media with permission of the student’s supervisor and in compliance with Nagoya University’s general terms and conditions
  • Note that this is NOT a graphical design course and that the assignment features either writing or creating a Reel/TikTok/YouTube Shorts-style video
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