Nagoya University: Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI)

Nagoya University


KMI-EHQG Joint Colloquium
"Scaling laws for thermo-electric transport at quantum criticality"
Andreas Karch
(Washington University)
July 14, 2015 (Tue) 17:00-
KMI Science Symposia (ES635)
Transport properties at quantum critical points are strongly constrained by dimensional analysis. They are typically governed by two critical exponents: the dynamical critical exponent z determining the relative scaling of spatial and temporal coordinates and the hyperscaling violating exponent theta. We will show that in general response to electromagnetic fields requires a third exponent, an anomalous dimension for the coupling to background fields. We show that this exponent is generically non-zero in critical points constructed via holography and discuss its potential relevance to the physics of cuprates.
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