Research Activities
We are conducting theoretical research at the Center for Theoretical Studies and experimental/observational research at the Center for Experimental Studies, with close collaboration between the two centers.
(1) Center for Theoretical Studies
- Division of Theoretical Particle Physics is aiming to theoretically clarify new physics laws. We are elucidating the dynamics of the Standard Model and constructing new models beyond the Standard Model by integrating outputs of simulation studies using dedicated high-performance computers in the Computational Theoretical Physics Laboratory, with results of particle physics experiments and astrophysics/cosmic ray research.
- Division of String Theory and Mathematics is conducting research on mathematical structures of symmetry and its breaking in collaboration with researchers at the Graduate School of Mathematics. In particular, we are collaboratively exploring string theory relating to the origin of matter and spacetime, and the dynamics of gauge theories. [→Group page]
- Division of Cosmology and Theoretical Astrophysics is pursuing integrated research of theoretical astrophysics and particle physics, including areas such as dark matter, dark energy, baryogenesis, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and cosmic inflation model, in collaboration with astrophysics researchers.
- Computational Theoretical Physics Laboratory is establishing a center of computational physics by fully utilizing dedicated high-performance computers. In particular, we are investigating the dynamics of the Standard Model, and models beyond the Standard Model through computer simulation of lattice gauge theory, as well as developing computational techniques required for theoretical computational physics.
- Research Projects: Symmetry Breakings and the Gauge Dynamics
(2) Center for Experimental Studies
- Division of Flavor Physics is exploring physics phenomena of particle flavors. In the Tau-lepton physics group, the Tau-Lepton Physics Research Center at the Graduate School of Science joins, and carries out the LHC experiment at the world's highest beam energy, and the B-factory experiment at the world's highest beam intensity, in order to investigate the origin of particle mass, and look for phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The fundamental astroparticle physics group is conducting integrated research of the universe and particles, such as cosmic rays, dark matter, and neutrinos, in collaboration with researchers at the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory. We are participating in the OPERA experiment, which is aiming to discover, for the first time, the appearance of tau neutrinos produced by the neutrino oscillation, as well as searching for dark matter with the unique technologies such as nuclear emulsion, and investigating ultra-high energy cosmic ray interactions at the LHCf experiment.
- Division of Origin of Spacetime Structures is conducting observational and theoretical research on phenomena relating to the origin of spacetime structures such as black holes. An observational astrophysics group is pursuing astrophysics research on supermassive black holes through multiwavelength observation utilizing flying objects such as balloons and satellites. A theoretical spacetime analysis group is exploring theoretical research on the spacetime structures near black holes.
- Instrument Development Laboratory is developing advanced experimental and observational techniques based on our university's tradition, a spirit of "Mono-zukuri" (manufacturing). In particular, we are developing leading-edge technologies such as high-speed readout of nuclear emulsion image, and photon and particle detectors for particle physics experiments and astrophysics observations.
- Tau-Lepton Data Analysis Laboratory is searching for new particles and phenomena by promptly analyzing the large amount of data obtained from accelerator experiments at CERN and KEK.
KMI publication lists are found here.