現象解析研究センター 【名古屋大学 素粒子宇宙起源研究機構(KMI)】


セミナー「U(2)^5 Symmetry in SUSY」

Speaker: Dr. Joel Jones-Perez (INFN)
Date: June 11th, 14:30-
Room: ES635 (ES building)
Title: U(2)^5 Symmetry in SUSY

 The current data of the LHC disfavours light masses for first and
second generation squarks. This presents a problem for models with a
Minimal Flavour Violation structure, where such bounds constrain how
light the third generation squark masses can be, and put at risk the
solution of the Higgs hierarchy problem. As a way out, we present a
new framework based on a U(2)^5 flavour symmetry, which allows the
third generation sfermion masses to be light regardless of the
constraints on the first two generations. We show how this framework
can solve flavour tensions in the quark sector. Furthermore, we
attempt to extend this framework in order to accommodate neutrino
data, and get predictions for neutrinoless double beta decay, neutrino
masses and lepton flavour violating processes.
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